Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Obligatory First Blog Post

After putting it off for what feels like forever, I have finally gotten around to "building a web presence," as the in-the-know-type-folks say. Aside from my Facebook account- which I frequent- and my Twitter account- which were it a child, I would be imprisoned for neglect and abuse- I realized that all I have as far as places to go on the web is the website for Punching the Clock.

Oh, that's right... the first post is always supposed to be under the guise that every reader is someone just discovering you for the first time. So, for those of you who are new to me and what I do, let me break the news to you (and simultaneously let you down): I write comics. 

That's right, comics. Y'know, those things you see in the newspaper, at bookstores and in the hands of nerds and children all over the "civilized" world. And, just to be clear up front (because I know you're wondering)- No, I'm not making enough money to survive by writing comics. Yet. That's really where you come in. You see, this blog marks a rather interesting point in my life: the true start of making comics a career.

Up until this point, I have only really been self-publishing one comic series (the aforementioned Punching the Clock). I have been writing the strip since mid-2011, and have partnered with my pal and cartoonist extraordinaire Jeff Manley on art duties. It's been a cool gig- we've put out two collected editions in print, had a successful Kickstarter (of which I am still diligently trying to wrap up reward allocation), and have enough content for at least two more books. We've produced a LOT of merch, attended conventions, were nominated for a Comic Buyers Guide Fan Award, and have carved out an impressive and insanely loyal fan following. I feel truly lucky when I think about all that we've accomplished in just a couple of short years.

Up until this point, PTC has been my main focus. I have started a few other projects, but ended up holding off on them for one reason or another. At this point, however, I need to have more projects under my belt and have quite a few stories I need to tell... and you (if you choose to follow this little slice of Internet blogginess) get a front row seat to watch it all unfold, right alongside me. In fact, I am starting work on no less than three new comics, and picking up one that I had set aside for a short time.

So, here I am.

I plan on filling this space with random thoughts, promotion for upcoming projects, organizing past works, and sneak peeks- at stuff in the works, completely finished and dead in the water. If all goes according to plan, I will make it a point to post regularly and divulge the inner workings of my mind... and hope you don't run away screaming.

I love comics. The business, the artistry, the storytelling- all of it. Financial success be damned, comics are my way of life, and I hope that these posts in the upcoming days, weeks, months... years... really encapsulate my love of the medium and serve it up on a pedestal for you. I hope you enjoy the ride, because I plan on doing so.


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