Thursday, May 22, 2014

The 100 "Writer Sketch Cover" Challenge

Back in September, I was a participant in the birth of what will hopefully be a new trend at conventions: the "writer sketch" cover. I'm bringing it to Cherry Capital Comic Con THIS weekend.

Some backstory: At some point during Cincy Comicon, I wandered over to visit with the face-hiding, Shirley Temple-drinking, uber-talented writer extraordinaire Dirk Manning. Dirk was engaged in conversation with a fine gent by the name of Andrew, who had just commissioned Dirk to write him a short story on one of the blank cover variants that you see released for most major titles these days. I immediately fell in love with the idea, and Andrew officially made it a "thing"- collecting up short stories from writers all over the convention; including one from yours truly. Shortly thereafter, Bleeding Cool picked up the story and ran with it.

The thing about conventions for writers is this: we don't get to really "create" on the spot like artists get to do. Its frustrating to just sit behind a table and "sell" all weekend, so the opportunity to flex some creative muscle is welcomed... and the potential for some cool mashups that would otherwise be unseen are just waiting to be written. Wanna see Spidey team up with the Tick? Done. Experience the thrill of the Joker FINALLY getting the best of Batman? Completely possible. Wish someone would do more with Cloak & Dagger? Now they can. The possibilities are endless, and artist alley is FILLED TO THE BRIM with super talented, independent artists who would LOVE to add a quick visual sketch to your one-of-a-kind short story for an exceptionally reasonable rate (hint, hint to all of my artist friends attending C4 this weekend alongside me). Everybody wins- creators, both of the written word and illustration, can throw down a fun one off and make a little cash to help support their art, and fans own a unique piece of original comics work that no one will ever be able to replicate.

So, here's the challenge: 

100 Writer Sketch Covers. C4 Weekend. How much you pay is up to you. 

The Catch? There's Charity involved.

I will donate 10% of all writer sketch cover commissions, no matter how many I do, to the Walking With Giants Foundation- an organization very near and dear to my friends at the Great Lakes Garrison of the 501st Legion, Cherry Capital Comic Con and the family of my young friend Matthew Litchfield, who passed away last October.

If we hit 50 sketch cover commissions, that number goes to 15%.

If we break 100, it goes to 20%.

You choose how much to pay. Bring me a blank cover, and I will fill it with words. Help me hit my self-abusing goal of 100. Help out a great cause along the way. You know you want to. Then, find one of the MANY talented artists in the "Alley" and make my words look good with some stellar art.

I will post updates on twitter all throughout the show- follow along with me (@RPHumphrey) with the hashtag #100writersketchcovers

What say you? Challenge accepted?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Project Announcement!

I'm a firm believer in first impressions... so, rather than whip a bunch of "words" and "sales pitches" at you, or "beg" for your interest in my musings, lemme hit you with an image that lands EXACTLY what my newest collaborative project is all about:

He's fancy... he's high society... he's a gentleman... and he's judging you.

What you are seeing here is the FIRST piece of concept art for Judgmental Giraffe, pencilled/inked by the ridiculously amazing Leslie Gauthier and colored by the equally as amazing Sara Sowles of Killustration Studios. This is the product of what happens when you put a whole bunch of creative-types in a room together after a convention (or in this case, the officially unofficial after-party of the MSU Comics Forum).

Now that I have your attention, allow me to officially announce this project. *Ahem*

Coming late summer/early fall 2014, to an interweb near you: Follow the exploits of Judgmental Giraffe and a host of other equally ridiculous characters in Animal Nature, a new collaboration between myself and artist Leslie Gauthier.

The "Elevator" Pitch: Animal Nature provides a unique, tongue-in-cheek look at the best and worst of human nature through the eyes of an anthropomorphic cast of animals who live, work and interact side-by-side with their human counterparts.

The backstory: Leslie and I have talked off and on about working on a side project together for a while. After a phone conversation a few months back, the wheels began turning. I awoke the next morning with an image of a fancy, tuxedo-wearing, monocle-rockin', smarmy giraffe in my head. I frantically called Leslie back and explained in a completely rational and not crazy-man-rambling sort of way what it was that I had thought up... and the concept was born. Over the next few days, I began getting a lot of ideas down on paper... mainly for an entire cast of characters, including my personal favorites: Dapper Dolphin and Emotionally Unstable Elephant. There's much more in store, but a lady can't give away all her secrets now, can she?

When and where can you expect to see more? We're really just getting started on this, and we'll want to build up a backlog of content before posting begins... so likely not for a few months. Both Leslie and I will be at Cincy Comicon in September, so I would expect that we would be up and rolling by that point. As for the "where"- our good friend, artist and webmaster over at Two For One Comics Sherief has offered the comic a home on the Two For One site when we are ready to go, which is way cool of him and super exciting! However, if you want to be one of the lucky few to pick up a limited "sneak peek" preview pack... read on.

Next weekend, at Cherry Capital Comic Con, Leslie and I will be offering an EXTREMELY limited number of sneak peek preview packs for sale to officially launch the comic- stop on out, pick one up, and be among the very first to jump on board our new project! In the sneak peek pack, you'll get a Judgmental Giraffe pinback button, a super-cool 16 oz can-shaped Judgmental Giraffe glass, and an Animal Nature preview comic! Here's a look at the button and glassware artwork:

Again- these will be limited, and will NOT last long. Be sure to grab 'em while you can!

As we get closer to a launch date, I will keep everyone updated through the normal channels... Facebook, Twitter, and right here at my poor neglected blog.